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New Switch Exclusive Looks Like EarthBound Crossed With A Golf RPG

Golf Story tees off on Switch this summer.


Nintendo Switch may not have very a deep library of sports games just yet, but the console will soon be home to a new golfing RPG called Golf Story.

Developed by independent studio Sidebar Games, Golf Story puts players in the role of a golfer who is "forced to give up all that he holds dear for one final shot at accomplishing his dream." The game features eight environments to explore, each with its own towns, characters, and golf courses. In true RPG fashion, you can upgrade your aspiring golfer with better equipment by completing challenges and solving puzzles.

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Now Playing: Golf Story - Reveal Trailer

You can watch the reveal trailer for Golf Story above. Sidebar has also released several screenshots from the game that showcase its charming 2D visuals, which are reminiscent of classic Game Boy Advance titles like Mother 3 and The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap.

Sidebar hasn't announced a price or specific release date for Golf Story just yet, but the game will arrive on Switch via the Nintendo eShop this summer.

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