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Nintendo Direct March 2018: Watch The Full Video

Tune in for news about upcoming Switch and 3DS games.


This week's surprise Nintendo Direct presentation is starting very soon. The broadcast is set to air tonight, March 8, and will lay out what Nintendo has in store for both Switch and 3DS owners in 2018. [Update: The event is now over, and it was a positively jam-packed 30 minutes, capped off with news about a Super Smash Bros. game for Switch. For a full rundown, check out our recap of all the Nintendo Direct news.]

The broadcast begins at 2 PM PT / 5 PM ET. As usual, Nintendo has been tight-lipped about what it plans on showcasing during the Direct; all we know is it'll run for approximately 30 minutes and focus on Switch and 3DS games launching this year, including Mario Tennis Aces, the first Switch entry in the long-running sports series.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: Nintendo Direct: All The New Switch Games Announced At March 2018 Event

If you'd like to watch the presentation as it's happening, you can stream the Nintendo Direct via the YouTube embed below. Alternatively, you can also watch the broadcast on Nintendo's Twitch channel or official website.

Today's presentation marks the second Nintendo Direct of the year; the previous broadcast aired in January and revealed a number of new Switch titles, including Dark Souls Remastered for Switch, a re-release of The World Ends with You, an updated edition of Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze, and a definitive edition of Hyrule Warriors. You can find more announcements from that presentation in our roundup of all the new Switch games shown during the January 2018 Nintendo Direct.

Nintendo has a number of big games lined up for 2018. Along with the aforementioned Switch versions Donkey Kong and Hyrule Warriors, the company will release a Yoshi game for Switch this year. A new mainline installment of Fire Emblem is also scheduled to launch for Switch sometime in 2018. Beyond those, Nintendo has also announced Metroid Prime 4 and a Pokemon RPG for Switch, though those may not arrive this year.

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