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Nintendo returns to Gamescom 2013 after skipping 2012

Nintendo will return to European trade show in 2013, after skipping the event in 2012.


Nintendo will be returning to German gaming trade show Gamescom in 2013, the event organisers have announced.

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The first-party publisher opted to skip the show in 2012, despite being close to launching the Wii U at the time.

Microsoft also elected to steer clear of the European event last year. Sony, on the other hand, was a founding member of Gamescom.

"The participation of Nintendo clearly demonstrates that the industry remains wholly behind gamescom," said Dr. Maximilian Schenk, managing director of German trade association BIU.

Nintendo will be joined by Bethesda Softworks, Electronic Arts, Konami, NCsoft, Riot Games, Ubisoft, and Warner Bros, among others.

Gamescom 2013 will take place in Cologne's Koelnmesse from August 21-25. Last year the event saw 275,000 visitors and more than 600 exhibitors.

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