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Nintendo Switch GameCube Controller Adapter Orders Being Canceled In UK

Adapt. Improvise. Cancel.


Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's release date arrives in just a few weeks, and the fighting game is scheduled to launch simultaneously with the GameCube controller adapter for Nintendo Switch. However, the adapter's launch appears to have hit a snag, with multiple UK customers stating Amazon has canceled their pre-orders of the accessory.

"We've had to cancel the GameCube Controller Adapter (Nintendo Switch) from your order, as Nintendo are no longer able to supply this product in the UK," reads an email from Amazon to customers. The item is now unavailable to order from Amazon, and the company's email points customers to a third-party item available on the Amazon Marketplace.

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Game, the UK's biggest specialist video game retailer, is still accepting pre-orders. However the store states the adapter's release date is now May 31, 2019--not the December 7, 2018 that was listed previously.

It's unclear at this stage what this means for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate's limited edition, which includes a GameCube controller adapter in the box. Neither Amazon nor Nintendo were immediately available for comment.

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate launches for Nintendo Switch on December 7. The game includes every character ever included in a Smash Bros. title, as well as over 100 different stages (each with a Battlefield and Final Destination variant). The Switch title also contains a new mode named Spirits, which presents special challenges that give equippable "Spirits" to enhance your characters.

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