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Nintendo Switch Update 10.0.1 Out Now, Does Almost Nothing

The Switch has received another update, but after the major changes introduced in 10.0.0, don't expect much from this one.


The Nintendo Switch has received another system update, bringing the console up to version 10.0.1. But after the major changes introduced in 10.0.0, including button remapping and easier data swapping, 10.0.1 is a minor update--and you probably won't notice any difference.

Here's the single note for this update from Nintendo: "General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience."

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Now Playing: Biggest Nintendo Switch Exclusives Of 2020 So Far

Yep, it's one of those.

There are some far more exciting Nintendo Switch updates that have arrived recently or are on the horizon, though. Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally added an art gallery as well as expanded garden options. Super Mario Maker 2, meanwhile, just got its last major update, and it's a doozy--you can now craft your own entire Mario campaign in there.

Of course, if you have a Switch at all right now, you should count yourself lucky--it's currently incredibly hard to buy one.

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