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Nvidia GTX 1080 And GTX 1070 Video Cards Available For A Good Price Right Now

There's never been a better time to buy a video card for MSRP.


Video cards have been tough to find recently, and even if you could find one in stock, it was probably selling for two to three times its normal price. This has been due to a surge in cryptocurrency mining and video cards' efficiency at performing the task. It has also created a strange excitement for when a video card is available for close to MSRP; even then, stock would run dry rather quickly. However, Nvidia is making a push to let PC players know that GPUs are out there, "with great availability across retailers at prices gamers can afford."

Of course, you should note that stock can run out at any minute, so if you've been eyeing a GTX 10-series card for a while, you might want to take that into consideration. An email notifying us that GeForce GPUs are back in stock included links to retailers offering specific cards--like the GTX 1080, GTX 1070 Ti, GTX 1070, and GTX 1060--at a reasonable price, which you can see below (all prices are listed in USD).

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