Out of Nowhere, Kentucky Route Zero Episode 4 Just Showed Up After 2+ Years
It's been a long wait.
It's been more than two years since the last episode of Kentucky Route Zero was released, but we finally have Episode 4.
Cardboard Computer today made a surprise announcement on Twitter regarding the release of the fourth episode. Those who own the game can download it now; Steam should automatically handle that task for you. If you don't own it, you can get it for half price--just $12.49--on Steam, GOG, the Humble Store, and Itch.io.
Kentucky Route Zero is an atmospheric point-and-click adventure game about a secret underground highway in Kentucky. It's less a game about solving puzzles than it is one about experiencing the story; the Steam store description even admits its focus is on "characterization, atmosphere, and storytelling rather than clever puzzles or challenges of skill."
Five episodes in all are planned. The first was released in January 2013, and each subsequent episode has taken longer to get here than the previous one--Episode 2 came in May 2013, Episode 3 in May 2014, and now Episode 4 in July 2016. The first three have all been very good, making the wait either more or less difficult to stomach, depending on how you look at it.
There's no word yet on a release date for Episode 5.
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