Outriders Legendary Weapons And Armor: How To Unlock And Where To Farm
Most of these legendary weapons and armor won't be found until later on, but you grind early to find them that way too.
In Outriders, powerful Legendary weapons and armor can ensure you have a leg up on your foes. If you just play through the game, you have a pretty good chance of just finding Legendary loot from random drops. But if you for sure want to find it, there are a couple of places you can look.
When it comes to Legendary loot, there are only a few places where you can find it for sure. These guaranteed methods require you to reach the end of the campaign--they are all late-game side quests or rewards that you can only unlock once you've completed the story. If you haven't reached the end yet, you'll have to farm. There are actually a few good farming locations early on in Outriders campaign, allowing you to find Legendary loot before even completing the first chapter of the game.
Unlocking Legendary Loot
There are a few methods for unlocking guaranteed Legendary loot. We've listed them below:
- Finish the campaign - Finishing Outriders' story gives you a loot crate that contains one piece of Legendary loot.
- Reach the final World Tiers - At Worlds Tiers 12-15, you'll unlock one random legendary item at each tier. So that's four Legendary items.
- Complete expeditions - Completing expeditions allows you to accrue drop pod credits, which can then be spent at the shop run by Tiago, who sells eight different Legendary items.
- Complete endgame side quests - Completing the following side quests allows you to unlock a piece of Legendary armor or weapons: Big Iron, Forgotten Chapel, and Outriders Legacy.
Farming For Legendary Loot
If you're desperate to find a Legendary weapon before leaving Rift Town, you can find a few. Your best course of action is to grind captain and boss fights. Before getting on the grind for legendary items, you need to reach a certain World Tier. World Tiers determine how difficult Outriders is, increasing enemy health and damage but offering higher tier rewards more often. You'll unlock higher tiers in the demo just by leveling up. In World Tier 1-3, you won't see any Legendary drops because the Legendary drop rate bonus will only be +0%. Once you reach World Tier 4, that jumps up to +10% and at World Tier 5, it's +25%. That's probably the lowest tier you want to be in order to start farming for loot (though, ideally, you should try to keep climbing). From here, there are two ideal methods.
Fight The Captain
The first way to grind for Legendary loot is to replay one of Outriders' earliest side quests, Payback, over and over. It's a very short quest so it's easy to repeat multiple times. You'll first encounter this quest after reaching Outriders' first hub area, Rift Town, and setting out on the story mission to deal with Gauss, an Altered and Outriders' first boss battle. Partway through this mission, you can find a wounded soldier named Audrey Storm off on the side of the main path, near the Crossroads warp flag. They will give you the Payback side mission, which you can repeat as many times as you want by returning to Audrey.
As a warning: Payback is one of the missions where you'll encounter a lot of snipers, all of whom are typically hidden in entrenched positions behind waves of enemies. If you're playing as Pyromancer or Technomancer, there's a good chance you already have a strong sniper rifle yourself--just remember to bring it along to take out the far off threats before they start chipping away at your health. You can rely on a similar strategy if you're playing as Devastator or Trickster, but given both classes have improved performance at close-range, consider equipping their teleporting abilities (Gravity Leap and Hunt the Prey, respectively) to simply jump to the snipers' position and take them out up close. Just remember to play to your class' strengths and you'll be fine.
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There's a chance you earn a Legendary item simply by killing enemies during this mission--at the very least, you'll likely get rare gear that will both improve your power level and augment your class' abilities in fascinating ways via gear mods. Be sure to read the description of whatever you find. But what you really want from this mission is the miniboss at the end of it: Captain Reiner. Thankfully, unlike the other captains you'll encounter in the demo, Reiner's abilities are always the same, so you always know what to expect when confronting him.
Reiner's two skills are Wandering Flame and Healing Wave. The former fires out a column of flame that will chase you around the battlefield, while the latter will heal him. He also has a crew of normal enemies accompanying him at the start of the fight. Deal with them quickly if you can, especially since a few carry shotguns that will decimate your health in this enclosed arena.
Once you kill Reiner, warp back to Audrey, turn in the quest, and there will be a chance that you get a Legendary item as a reward. And that's basically it--just rinse and repeat Payback and eventually you'll unlock something that's Legendary. And if you don't like it, then just keep playing Payback until you find a Legendary item that you do.
Fight The Boss
The other farming method requires you to complete the campaign mission where you beat the Outriders' first boss, Gauss. After beating him, there's a single chest that you can open, which can drop a Legendary item. If you're lucky on your first attempt, congrats! But if not, open Outriders' lobby and then click "Select Story Point."
Doing this will allow you to go back to any point in Outriders story and replay campaign missions with your current gear. So go back to just prior to getting the mission to hunt down and face off against Gauss and fight him again, beat him, open the chest behind him, and repeat until you manage to get a Legendary drop.
Like Reiner, Gauss' abilities do not change, so once you've figured out his abilities and how they work, you don't have to relearn anything. Don't worry too much about interrupting Steel Wall--it's basically just a way for him to temporarily shield himself. Discharge Mine and Lightning Storm are a bit trickier to deal with though, so try to interrupt them if you can. The former places a mine on the battlefield that you'll have to avoid, while the latter sends out lightning strikes that will chase you across the arena. Both force you to consider where you're standing when fighting Gauss, which is just an added hassle you really don't want to have to deal with when you're trying to shoot him.
As a final note, you will pass the starting point for Payback on your way to fight Gauss (since both missions occur in the same area) so if you want, you technically can attempt both of these strategies in a single run.
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