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Palworld Cross-Play Update Officially Confirmed For Late March

Get ready to meet some new pals on other platforms later this month.


Palworld developer Pocketpair has announced that cross-play will be added to the game in late March, and that it'll be supported on PC via Steam, Xbox Series X|S, PS5, and Mac. Additionally, the upcoming update will also "implement multiplayer between different platforms" and the ability to move Pals between worlds, according to the developer notes on Steam.

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Cross-play has been one of the biggest player-requested features for the game since it first launched in early access, and back in January, Pocketpair confirmed that it would be arriving in 2025 alongside several other additions to the game. Improvements to world-object-placement and base Pals, new endgame content, and overall game optimization were also mentioned back then as part of several updates to Palworld ahead of its eventual full release.

Pocketpair also recently revealed that Palworld had crossed a major player milestone, as the game has exceeded 32 million players across all platforms it's currently available on, including Xbox's Game Pass and Game Preview programs. At the same time, Pocketpair has been involved in a legal dispute with Nintendo and The Pokemon Company, with the two companies accusing it of infringing on several patents owned by them.

Beyond that ongoing case, Sony and Pocketpair have also collaborated on Palworld merchandise, as the studio is aiming to grow the brand further with new business opportunities.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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