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Payday 3 Is "Same Game" On Console And PC

Developer Starbreeze has confirmed that the upcoming Payday 3 will be the "same game" on console and PC, among other details.


Fans have been waiting a long time for the emergence of Payday 3, and we finally have some new details. Per an announcement posted on the game's Steam page, we now know that Payday 3 will be the same game on PC and consoles. This is apparently thanks to the fact that the game is being made in the Unreal Engine.

Besides that, the short Q&A confirms that Payday 3 will take place in New York, and will feature the return of the franchise's original gang from Payday 1. It also says that the game will be available on "PlayStation and Xbox," though it's not clear if that includes previous-gen consoles or not. Beyond that, and a vague release date of 2023 on its Steam page, we don't know much else about Payday 3.

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The long-anticipated sequel to the smash hit Payday 2 was first announced in 2016, but its development was negatively affected by financial problems at publisher Starbreeze Studios. Most of those issues stem from the commercial failure of Overkill's The Walking Dead, which led to a lengthy corporate restructuring and allegations of insider trading, which were later dismissed. Starbreeze signed a deal with Plaion (formerly Koch Media) to finance the production and release of Payday 3 in 2021, though Starbreeze will retain ownership of the Payday IP.

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