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PlayerUnknown On Creating The Battle Royale Genre

From mods to modes.


With the mainstream success of Fortnite Battle Royale, the introduction of Dying Light: Bad Blood, and news about upcoming AAA games having battle royale modes, one thing has become clear: it is no longer just a mode. It is becoming its own genre.

In the video above, we sat down with Brendan Greene, aka "Playerunknown," to talk about the success of Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, how it spawned out of a series of mods, and how it plans to stay relevant with increasing competition in the future.

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Now Playing: PUBG's Creator Talks About Why Mods Are So Important To Games

In the video below, you can watch the full chat with Greene and Mike Mahardy. For more news and interviews out of GDC, stay tuned to GameSpot throughout the weekend.

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