Playing Triple Play 2001
Batter up! EA swings by to give us a chance to step up to bat with Triple Play 2001.
Electronic Arts gave us a first look at Triple Play 2001 for the PlayStation yesterday. Here's what we found:
One of the most innovative features in Triple Play 2001 is its point-of-view fielding. When fielding you literally peer over the shoulder of the fielder, which truly immerses the player while playing defense.
In addition to the standard modes of play you've come to expect from the Triple Play series, there is a new home-run-target mode. This mode puts you in a home-run derby requiring you to hit targets past the wall, across the street, and in some cases even farther.
The game looks on par with last year's Triple Play as far as sound and visuals, although key players such as Sosa and other stars feature textures that make them even more realistic than before. The AI has also been reworked a bit, which is said to result in a more realistic game.
Triple Play 2001 is scheduled for release this March. Keep checking back for a full-blown preview of Triple Play 2001 soon.
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