Popular World of Warcraft Bot Creators Planning Comeback
Honorbuddy says it's getting ready to bring back it honor-farming service, and disputes Blizzard's claim that it banned 100,000 players.
The creators of HonorBuddy, a popular World of Warcraft bot that was recently detected by Blizzard, is planning to bring the service back to life.
HonorBuddy allows players to collect honor in PvP without actually engaging anyone and requires no input from the player.
"We will soon release Honorbuddy again," staff member "Bossland" said in a post on the official Honorbuddy forum. "Again, we will give no guarantee and we have never given a guarantee, that our software is immune to detection or bans."

Honorbuddy speculated that its client was detected via "malware-type hidden software," which scanned and found computers that were running software that violated the World of Warcraft's terms of service.
Bossland said that they expect to bring Honorbuddy back by the end of the week, but it doesn't seem like they have quite yet.
Honorbuddy also disputed Blizzard's claim that over 100,000 World of Warcraft account were banned during the ban wave on May 13. "there has never been that many active Honorbuddy users," they said.
Outside of World of Warcraft, Blizzard is gearing up to launch a new MOBA called Heroes of the Storm, which is pitched as a competitive online game in the same vein as League of Legends or DotA 2, but said to be more approachable.
It is also working on a team-based shooter called Overwatch, which it has described as a "pick-up-and-play" FPS. Find out more about the game in GameSpot's in-depth report on Overwatch's characters and gameplay.
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