PS3 mans the Ramparts
Puzzle strategy arcade game set for release on PlayStation Store tomorrow, Sony sets $4.99 asking price.

Arcade games tend to be one-dimensional affairs, focusing on one type of gameplay, be it fighting, racing, or shooting. Not so with Rampart. Atari's 1990 action puzzle strategy game was surprisingly complex for an arcade offering, requiring sound tactics, quick thumbs, and quicker thinking to handle its multiple phases of gameplay.
PlayStation 3 owners will soon be able to get a taste of the game, as Sony Online Entertainment today announced that it will be releasing Rampart on the PlayStation Network tomorrow.
In Rampart, players must establish a fortress by building continuous walls around a number of castles using a series of randomly shaped bricks. Once a castle perimeter is established, players then place cannons within the walls so they will have something with which to fend off invading naval forces. Once an invasion force has been repelled, players must repair and add onto their fortresses by making the battle-scarred walls whole again, and extending their reach to other strongholds. Rampart features six levels in single-player mode, as well as a multiplayer mode in which players attempt to demolish each others' fortifications.
The PS3 edition of Rampart will feature online multiplayer action as well as leaderboards, and will cost $4.99. For more on the game, check out GameSpot's previous coverage.
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