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PS4 Buy One Get One Free Deal Includes Until Dawn, The Last of Us, and More

European PlayStation Store's list of BOGOF games is a mix of new and old PS4 titles.


Sony Europe has launched a buy one get one free promotion on the European PlayStation store. From December 10 to December 14, adding any two PS4 games included in the list below and then using the code J7P8G8P3DH at checkout will discount one of the titles by 100 percent.

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According to Sony, the code can be used as many times as you want, so you can have multiple buy one get one free transactions. Highlights from the list of eligible games include The Last of Us Remastered, Until Dawn, Divinity Original Sin, and Shadow of Mordor.

The full list can be found below.

As part of our Game of the Year event, GameSpot has published end of the year report cards for all the major gaming platforms, including the PS4. You can read them all using the link below, and keep an eye on the Game of the Year hub for more.

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