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PS4 Creation Game Dreams Has A Release Date

Don't let your Dreams be dreams.


The creation game Dreams is coming to PlayStation 4 next year, and as announced on Sony's last State of Play of 2019, it has a very sweet release date. The game will release on February 14, aka Valentine's Day.

Dreams has been available in early access since earlier this year, marking an early beta that has allowed Media Molecule to introduce new creation tools while also cultivating a small community of creators. Dreams' tools are extremely flexible, which is why the trailers for the game always look like it's for a few dozen different games.

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Dreams was first announced in 2013, so it's been a long time coming for next year's release. It's incredibly ambitious, and Media Molecule hopes it will be used as a platform that grows beyond its own scope.

Media Molecule's previous series, Little Big Planet, also had a flexible suite of creation tools, though it was mostly made to support platformers like the main campaign. Still, the creative minds of the player community pushed those tools to their limit, using the strings-and-pulleys to create complicated stages as well as out-of-the-box-thinking ideas like a functioning calculator.

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