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PS4-Exclusive Gravity Rush 2 Looks Stunning in New Trailer

Gravity Rush 2 wasn't shown at Sony's E3 conference, but that doesn't mean it's not beautiful.


You didn't see Gravity Rush 2 during Sony's E3 press conference, but you should probably take a look at its new trailer. It's full of color and surreal environments, and it looks absolutely stunning.

The trailer features protagonist Kat utilizing her Luna and Jupiter forms with the help of her cosmic-looking cat. She flies around the world, manipulating gravity and fighting giant robot enemies. The environments are both surreal and beautiful, and watching boxes explode as Kat flies through them is surprisingly satisfying. You can watch it for yourself in the embed above.

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Now Playing: Gravity Rush 2 - E3 2016 Trailer

Gravity Rush 2 is set for a 2016 release on the PS4. Its predecessor, Gravity Rush, was remastered for the PS4 earlier this year. The remaster received a score of 7 in GameSpot's review, in which critic Peter Brown said, "Despite its problems, Gravity Rush is an adventure worth taking not just because there's hardly anything like it, but because it leverages its distinct gameplay to great effect, freeing you from the hold of gravity in a world worth exploring."

Gravity Rush 2 might not have made it into Sony's E3 conference, but you can see all the games that did right here. Alternatively, you can check out some of the surprises from the presser through the links below.

Head over to GameSpot's E3 hub to stay up to date with all of the news and impressions from the event.

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