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PS4-exclusive The Order: 1886 promises "no disconnect" between cinematics and gameplay

God of War developer's next game leverages power of PS4 to create new level of visual fidelity, creative director says.

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For God of War developer Ready at Dawn's next project, the neo-Victorian The Order: 1886, there will be "no disconnect" between cinematics and gameplay, the studio has claimed. In a new PlayStation Access video, Ready at Dawn creative director and cofounder Ru Weerasuriya explained that this is possible thanks to the technical power of the PlayStation 4.

"With the PS4 we're able to have this seamless transition between cinematics and gameplay and not lose anything at all between the two," Weerasuriya said. "More often than not a lot of games have a tendency to do pre-rendered cinematics and moving to gameplay and suddenly it's not really the same thing. It's close, but it's not quite there. For us, there is no disconnect between the two. What you see is what you get."

You can see for yourself in the PlayStation Access interview/gameplay trailer, which also familiarizes players with The Order: 1886's setting, characters, and lore. The game features four main characters, but you'll only be able to play as one of them: Galahad.

"We did not want to dilute the message by having all these different storylines having to meld into one single major plot," Weerasuriya said. He noted, however, that the three other main characters will have a "big part to play" in the overall storyline.

Ready at Dawn also released a new story trailer for The Order: 1886 today (below), which sets up the game's story and characters. For more on the game, due out later in 2014, check out GameSpot's just-published preview.

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