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PS4 exclusive The Order: 1886 won't have multiplayer, will run at 1080p/30fps

Looks like you won't be able to play the PS4's upcoming third-person squad shooter in co-op.

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PlayStation 4 exclusive The Order: 1886 will be a single-player only game that runs at 1080p in 30fps, developer Ready at Dawn has confirmed.

"No multiplayer," said studio founder Andrea Pessino when asked on Twitter. "It is a single player, third person action adventure game."

Following reactions from fans--both positive and negative--Pessino added that it is "better to do one thing well than a whole bunch half-assed."

"We are trying to make a SP experience you will enjoy," Pessino concluded.

The Order: 1886 was first unveiled at Sony's E3 2013 press conference via a flashy CG trailer, with the game set in an alternate history taking place after the industrial revolution. Many people assumed that the game would feature co-op play, due to the game's squad-based third-person gameplay.

Elsewhere, in an interview with Play3 (translation via Gaming Bolt), studio head Ru Weerasuriya said that the development team was aiming for 30fps and 1080p. “Currently we do not aim [for] 60 frames per second. In a first person shooter that [surely] makes sense. Also fighting games are undoubtedly predestined for 60 frames."

"But for us, the cinematic experience is in the foreground [basically focus]--presented in full HD 1080p. In favor of spectacular effects and the highest resolution we restrict ourselves to a fluid 30 frames per second,” he said.

The Order: 1886 currently has no release date, though some people believe it will be released this fall after a previous Tweet from Pessino.

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