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PS4 News Likely On The Way As Sony Dates Its TGS PlayStation Press Conference

It's just a few weeks away.


Gamescom has only just wrapped up, and the next big gaming convention is just around the corner. With the Tokyo Game Show just weeks away, Sony has announced the date for its traditional pre-TGS press conference, which is sure to bring some PS4 game news.

As shared on Japan's PlayStation Blog, the event is scheduled for 4 PM JST on Tuesday, September 19. Those in North America, in particular, will likely have to adjust their sleep schedule to follow along live--that translates to 12 AM PT/3 AM ET/8 AM BST on September 19.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: PS4 News Likely On The Way As Sony Dates Its TGS Press Conference

Sony didn't provide any indication as to what we can expect from the event. Being tied to TGS and aimed at the Japanese market, not all of the news will necessarily be of interest to those of us residing elsewhere in the world. Past years have brought news about a wide variety of games--everything from Yakuza 6 to Gravity Rush 2 has been announced at this annual press conference.

A livestream of the event will be available on YouTube and through the embed above. We'll also report back with all of the big news as it's announced.

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