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PS4 Price Cut Coming Soon For E3 Week

Sony is dropping the price down to $250 for a limited time.


The PlayStation 4 is getting a temporary price cut in the US.

According to USA Today, Sony will drop the price of the entry-level Slim model from $300 to $250, with the lower price in effect June 9-17. The site also reports that there will be "additional discounts on software and accessories" during the sale period. A number of retailers, including Amazon, are already selling the PS4 Slim for $250, but the new price cut will apparently be available more widely. Keep checking back with GameSpot for the latest.

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The gold-edition PS4 Slim console launches the week of June 11, priced at $250, according to a report.

Sony's E3 2017 briefing is coming up soon, scheduled for the evening of June 12. GameSpot will have all the news from the show as it's announced.

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