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PS4's PlayStation Network and Nintendo Switch's Eshop Having Some Connection Issues

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.


Both Sony's PlayStation Network and Nintendo's Eshop online services are currently suffering outages. The timing of these isn't ideal, given that it's Christmas day and many new PlayStation 4 and Nintendo Switch owners are likely trying to connect to the services to redeem or play games.

Sony has acknowledged the issues on Twitter, saying it is "aware that some users are having issues redeeming vouchers on PSN." However, reports from Twitter users trying to play their PS4s suggest the issues extend beyond just the ability to redeem vouchers, and that people are having trouble connecting to the online service as a whole.

Nintendo, meanwhile, has also said it is working on addressing connection issues some people are having. "We apologize for any issues you may be experiencing with Nintendo eShop," it said in a tweet. "We are working on it and hope to have this resolved soon."

While various members of the GameSpot staff have encountered some outage today with both services, the PlayStation Network and Nintendo eShop seem to have largely recovered and, currently, the earlier issues have smoothed out. Those having trouble connecting to the PlayStation Network or Eshop should give it a little time and it will no doubt sort itself out. There's probably lots of turkey and stuffing for you to eat in the mean time.

This downtime is nothing compared to the nightmarish scenario from December 2014, when both Xbox Live and PlayStation Network were hacked and unavailable for considerable amounts of time. Thankfully, it doesn't look like we have a repeat of that right now.

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