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PSVR Will Work On PS5, But Not With The New Camera

Sony has detailed how PSVR will work on its new console, while also potentially giving an indication of the future of VR.


As the launch of the PlayStation 5 approaches, Sony is finally detailing important features of its new console. Along with confirmation of which games will (and won't) be backwards compatible and what accessories will work without issue, Sony has detailed how PSVR will work on PS5, along with a hint for its future.

If you own a PSVR headset and want to continue using that on PS5, the good news is that you will be able to without much fuss. The PSVR breakout box and headset will work with Sony's new console, along with accessories such as the PlayStation 4 camera and Move controllers. The camera is an important accessory, too, since Sony has confirmed that the new PS5 camera will not be compatible with PSVR.

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Sony states that a PS4 camera adapter will be required for use on the PS5, but the support page isn't clear on whether this is included with the console or not (beyond stating that it will not require a purchase). As is usually the case, it likely won't be included.

With the PS5 camera not supporting PSVR, Sony might be hinting at the future of how its VR hardware will work. Headsets like the Oculus Rift and new Oculus Quest 2 make use of inside-out tracking, which negates the requirement for an external tracking camera. This is a much easier and user-friendly means of playing VR, with a recent Sony patent suggesting that the company was looking into the idea.

The PlayStation 5 is scheduled for launch on November 12, with launch titles such as Spider-Man: Miles Morales and Bugsnax already going gold in anticipation of the release.

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