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Recent Nintendo Switch Patch Fixes Controller Issue (10.0.2 Update)

The latest firmware update for the Nintendo Switch has arrived. Read the full patch notes here.


Nintendo has pushed out another firmware update for the Nintendo Switch. Don't expect much from the update, however, as it's primarily focused on stability improvements. Update 10.0.2. introduces "general stability improvements," along with one fix in particular. The update fixes a bug related to how the system sets up a new Pro controller, which could cause "incorrect joystick control." You can see the patch notes below.

Nintendo Switch 10.0.2. Update Patch Notes:

"General system stability improvements to enhance the user’s experience, including a solution for the following: We have fixed an issue where a Nintendo Switch console with system menu version 10.0.0 or 10.0.1 does not set up a new Nintendo Switch Pro Controller, sometimes causing incorrect joystick control."

This update follows the recent release of version 10.0.1, which did almost nothing.

In terms of more substantial Switch updates, Animal Crossing: New Horizons finally added an art gallery as well as expanded garden options. Super Mario Maker 2, meanwhile, just got its last major update, and it's a big one--you can now craft your own entire Mario campaign in there.

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