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Relive Your Childhood With Twitch's Next TV Show Marathon Stream

Prepare for 886 episodes of Mister Rogers.


Having already indulged in nostalgia with marathons of TV shows like Power Rangers, Bob Ross' The Joy of Painting, and Julia Child's The French Chef, Twitch has announced its next one: Mister Rogers' Neighborhood.

The broadcast begins this coming Monday, May 15, at 12 PM PT/3 PM ET. It will consist of a whopping 886 episodes of the show being aired back to back over the course of 18 days, coming to an end on June 3. Once it begins, you can watch it here.

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According to Twitch, the marathon "features the most comprehensive collection of episodes available, including many that have only aired once and are unavailable elsewhere online."

Coinciding with this, a fundraising campaign will be held to support PBS, the station Misters Rogers aired on for the majority of its 30-plus-year run. Viewers in the United States will be able to donate to PBS through a panel located on the stream's Twitch page.

Once the marathon ends, it won't mean the end of the show on Twitch. According to its channel page, it will play it "on a regular basis post-marathon," though an exact schedule hasn't been announced yet.

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