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Reviewers of the Month: March

Featuring GameSpot user reviews for the month of March


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Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm

Reviewed By: randallsilver
Platform: PC
Difficulty: Just Right
Time Spent: 20 to 40 Hours
Bottom Line: Great multiplayer - The Zerg are back with a vengeance. Literally, of course..
WARNING: there will be some minor gameplay and story spoilers in my review. All in all, the game didn't quite meet my expectations. Don't get me wrong: it's still fun, but I think they didn't put much into the campaign … read more

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Tomb Raider

Reviewed By: Stephen244
Platform: X360
Difficulty: Just Right
Time Spent: 20 to 40 Hours
Bottom Line: Disappointing - Good when we wanted great! Lara's fights sweaty fellers and big, sweaty fellers. Is that it?
Graphics are good. Lara moves well. Fights are well staged. But so much is missing, especially the cliches that we love to see … read more

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God of War: Ascension

Reviewed By: abnergoinbig
Platform: PS3
Difficulty: Hard
Time Spent: 10 to 20 Hours
Bottom Line: Been there, done that -
I see prequels as an opportunity for developers to experiment with a game's formula. It's a big risk. Sadly, God of War: Ascension doesn't do much of this. If anything, it feels like Santa Monica did a little bit of back tracking. … read more

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New Super Mario Bros. U

Reviewed By: Anonymoe
Platform: WiiU
Difficulty: Just Right
Time Spent: 10 to 20 Hours
Bottom Line: Solid - New Super Mario Bros. U, is more Mario: good, bad, and otherwise.
New Super Mario Bros U is a Super Mario Bros game, plain and simple. You run, jump, stomp on things, occasionally go swimming, and possibly slip on some ice. It's the same formula that made Super Mario Bros 3 and Super Mario World classics, and made all the other New Super Mario Bros games simple fun … read more

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Etrian Odyssey IV: Legends of the Titan

Reviewed By: VideoVulpine
Platform: 3DS
Difficulty: Just Right
Time Spent: 10 to 20 Hours
Bottom Line: Worth playing - The series takes another step forward with what makes it good, but keeps the details that hooks you in.
The Etrian Odyssey series has remained one of the most recent tried and true First person dungeon crawlers that manages to keep things fresh, but also keeps you coming back for more. … read more

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Reviewed By: ZanarkandTidus
Platform: PS3
Difficulty: Just Right
Time Spent: 10 Hours or Less
Bottom Line: Grows on you - Journey is a truly spiritual experience..
Journey is a truly spiritual experience. Where you play as a mysterious hooded character in a mysterious but beautiful world … read more

Honorable Mentions

- Brain Age: Concentration Training By: JustPlainLucas
- Darksiders II By: turtlethetaffer
- Mark of the Ninja By: NeonNinja
- The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim By: ad0234
- Lollipop Chainsaw By: AK_the_Twilight

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