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Riot And Bungie Team Up To Sue Destiny 2 And Valorant Cheat-Peddlers

The two notable developers have filed a joint complaint against the owner of several well-known cheat sites in an attempt to stymie sales.


Cheating can be a major fun-killer in popular multiplayer games, and recently big-name developers have taken increasingly brazen action to try to stop cheat-peddlers from making a profit off the misfortune of others. Now, Riot and Bungie are teaming up to file a joint complaint against Cameron Santos, who owns several sites that sell cheats for Destiny 2 and Valorant. Gatorcheats is the most well-known of the sites listed in the suit.

The lawsuit was filed in California on January 8, and it alleges that Santos is trafficking in "a portfolio of malicious cheats and hacks." According to the suit, Santos and his staff sell their cheats via email, Telegram, Discord, and other platforms. In order to remedy the harm caused by the service, Bungie and Riot are asking the court to shut it down completely. Activision Blizzard previously sent a cease & desist letter to Gatorcheats last year, which caused the site to stop selling Call of Duty-related cheats. However, the site kept selling cheats for non-COD games like Valorant and Destiny 2, hence this legal action. Nintendo, Activision, Epic Games, and Pokemon Go creator Niantic have all filed similar lawsuits over the past few years.

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"The success of [Riot and Bungie's games] depends on them being enjoyable and fair for all players, and [they] spend an enormous amount of time and money to ensure that this is the case," a portion of the case reads, which was first obtained by Polygon. "Defendants’ conduct has caused, and is continuing to cause, massive and irreparable harm to [Riot and Bungie] and their business interests."

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