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Rocket League Generates $70 Million-Plus, Nearing 4 Million Sales

New heights for the soccer-with-cars game.

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Rocket League continues to soar. The soccer-with-cars game has now generated more than $70 million in revenue from the PlayStation 4 and PC versions, Psyonix marketing executive Jeremy Dunham said in a recent interview with Kinda Funny (via Gamasutra). That's up from around $50 million just two months ago.

Also during the interview, Dunham revealed that Rocket League has now sold 4 million copies across PS4 and PC. He explained that this figure does not count copies downloaded when Rocket League was free for PlayStation Plus members in July 2015.

Earlier this month, Psyonix announced that Rocket League's total player community stood at around 11 million people. That would seem to suggest that 7 million copies of the game were downloaded for free in July 2015 on PS4. We have contacted Psyonix in an attempt to get more details.

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Whatever the case, Rocket League is a big hit and sales stand to grow further still, as the game was just recently released on Xbox One. In addition to revenue from game sales (Rocket League sells for $20), Psyonix makes money from DLC sales for Rocket League's $4 expansion packs such as Supersonic Fury, Chaos Run, and Revenge of the Battle Cars. Additionally, Psyonix offers the Back to the Future pack for $2, while a Batman v Superman car pack is coming in March for the same price.

Additionally, Psyonix will release a physical version of Rocket League at retail in the future.

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