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Rocksteady's Suicide Squad Game Reportedly Delayed Into 2023

Rocksteady's last game, Batman: Arkham Knight, released in 2015.


Rocksteady's Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League has reportedly been delayed until next year. [Update: The game's developer has now confirmed that Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League's release has been pushed until 2023.]

The report comes via Bloomberg's Jason Schreier, who cites the news to people familiar with the game's development. No specific reason for the delay was given, and publisher Warner Bros. has yet to officially comment on the game's alleged delay.

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Now Playing: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Gameplay Trailer | Game Awards 2021

WarnerMedia's chief executive officer Jason Kilar tweeted just last week that Warner would be releasing a "full slate of highly anticipated games" in 2022, including logos for upcoming games like the Harry Potter RPG Hogwarts Legacy and Batman spinoff Gotham Knights. The tweet, notably, did not mention Suicide Squad.

Suicide Squad was announced in 2020. Rocksteady's last game, Batman: Arkham Knight, released in 2015. When Suicide Squad does eventually arrive, it will see players take on the role of various villains like Harley Quinn, King Shark and Captain Boomerang as they look to subdue heroes like Superman, who have been brainwashed by Brainiac. Fans got a first glimpse at Suicide Squad's gameplay at The Game Awards 2021.

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