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See Sam Elliott As The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot In New Trailer

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Sam Elliott's next movie The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot is coming out soon, and now it's received a new trailer. As the title suggests, the movie stars Elliot as the man who killed Hitler during World War II but couldn't tell anyone about it. Decades later, the governments of the United States and Canada call on him to take down another foe: Bigfoot.

In this timeline, Bigfoot carries a disease capable of wiping out humanity. Elliott's character, Calvin Barr, is finally coming to terms with his life when he's called back to fight the beast.

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"Bigfoot has been living deep in the Canadian wilderness and carrying a deadly plague that is now threatening to spread to the general population. Relying on the same skills that he honed during the war, Calvin must set out to save the free world yet again," reads a line from the movie's official description.

The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then Bigfoot also stars Aiden Turner (The Hobbit trilogy), Caitlin FitzGerald (Masters of Sex), Larry Miller (10 Things I Hate About You), and Ron Livingston (Office Space). The film was written and directed by Robert Krzykowski; this is his feature debut. Douglas Trumbull, a multi-Oscar winning effects legend who worked on Blade Runner, 2001: A Space Odyssey, and Close Encounters of the Third Kind, worked on the film's visual effects.

The film originally premiered at the Fantasia film festival in 2018. It comes to theatres and digital stores on February 8.

Elliott has been acting since the '60s. He's perhaps best known for his roles in the films Roadhouse and The Big Lebowski. More recently, he starred in A Star Is Born with Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper.

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