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New Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Gameplay Shows Killstreaks On Kamino

See some new aerial killstreaks with the Millennium Falcon, X-Wing, and more.


Star Wars: Battlefront II is almost here. While you have to wait a little while longer to play the PS4, Xbox One, and PC shooter sequel, you can now see some fresh footage. In our new gameplay video above, we show off some of the aerial killstreaks you can do with ships like the Arc-170, Millennium Falcon, and Poe's Resistance X-Wing.

Check out GameSpot's new gameplay video above to see the new killstreaks in action. You can also watch a full Strike match on Kashyyyk and see six new maps. There's a lot take in just ahead of the game's launch.

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Now Playing: Star Wars Battlefront 2 - Killstreaks On Kamino - Gameplay

Battlefront II's official release date is November 17 for all platforms, but the game is playable starting today for EA/Origin Access subscribers on Xbox One and PC. In other news about Battlefront II, EA made some big changes to the game's loot crate system in the wake of feedback from the beta. Microtransactions are in place because all of Battlefront II's DLC maps and characters will be free. Those will help to expand a game that EA is already boasting is much more substantial than its predecessor.

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