Skyrim Remaster, Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein 2, and More Will Be Announced at E3 - Report
Bethesda's E3 2016 briefing on June 12 might include a lot of news.
Following the rumor yesterday that one of Bethesda's E3 announcements was going to be an unspecified remaster project, Eurogamer now reports that this could be for 2011's acclaimed Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
The game will launch for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, the report said, though there was no mention of a release date. In November last year, Bethesda revealed that it ported Skyrim to Xbox One, but only as a technical exercise. It appears Bethesda now has grander plans.

Additionally, Eurogamer said it has "heard" that Bethesda will announce The Evil Within 2, Wolfenstein: The New Order 2, and the "completely reworked" Prey 2 as part of its briefing.
The Skyrim remaster project will reportedly include "mods, all DLC [and] improved visuals," according to Eurogamer's report, which cited a NeoGAF user with that information. The inclusion of mods is particularly interesting, given that mods just recently came to the Xbox One version of Fallout 4 and are on the way for the PS4 edition.
A Bethesda representative told GameSpot, "We don't comment on rumors and speculation."
Bethesda's E3 2016 briefing is scheduled to kick off Sunday, June 12, starting at 7 PM PST / 10 PM EST. GameSpot will bring you all the news from the show as it's announced.
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