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Solo: A Star Wars Story Gets Four Stylish Character Posters

Posters with the most.


Following the first full trailer for the upcoming Star Wars spin-off Solo: A Star Wars Story, four posters for the movie have been released. They feature the movie's main characters--Han (Alden Ehrenreich), Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo), Qu'ra (Emilia Clarke), and Lando (Donald Glover).

The posters are stylishly illustrated and are reminiscent of the painted look of classic Star Wars posters. In each case, the character is set into the text of their name, with a different color scheme and some intriguing background detail. Check them out in the gallery below:

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Solo: A Star Wars Story also stars Woody Harrelson, Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Paul Bettany, and Thandie Newton, and it's directed by Ron Howard. It hits theaters on May 25, 2018.

The movie has had a bit of troubled production, with Howard taking over duties from Chris Miller and Phil Lord in June 2017. There have been rumors that Howard has reshot a lot more of the film than initially expected, and at least one role had to be recast, with Bettany replacing Michael K. Williams. Bettany himself commented in the issue and said that Howard "reshot a lot more than was originally intended."

Glover last month stated that despite the lengthy production, little about the film altered after Howard came on board. "It didn't really [change]," he said. "I think we were never faced with anything like that and [Howard] did a good job of coming in and didn't want us to change what we were doing at all. He wanted us to be comfortable with our vision."

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