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Sonic X Shadow Generations Collector's Edition Preorders Restocked At Amazon

Limited Run's Sonic X Shadow Generations Collector's Edition releases July 2025.


The Sonic X Shadows Generations Collector's Edition sold out fast when Amazon opened preorders in December, but the $250 edition finally back in stock for all three console platforms: PS5, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox Series X (as of March 11). Amazon lists July 31, 2025 as the release date, though Limited Run currently has a July 1-31 delivery window on its site.

Preorder Sonic X Shadow Generations Collector's Edition at Amazon:

In stock for all platforms as of March 11 at 10:30 AM PT.

Sonic X Shadow Generations released in October, but the Collector's Edition was not ready in time for launch. That means you're ordering a "first edition," not a reprint, from Amazon. Though distributed by Limited Run, this edition of the game was designed by Sega; it's not part of Limited Run's official collection.

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