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South Park Is Airing A "Pandemic Special," Of Course; Watch A Teaser Here

A one-hour episode is coming very soon, and you can watch a teaser now.


South Park is returning for a 24th season, but ahead of that, Comedy Central will air a one-hour episode focused on, you guessed it, the pandemic. The episode is called "The Pandemic Special," and it debuts on September 30.

In this episode, Randy capitalizes on people staying at home and smoking more weed than ever, while kids are heading back to school to find it to be a very different place. Here is the full description for the episode:

"Randy comes to terms with his role in the COVID-19 outbreak as the ongoing pandemic presents continued challenges to the citizens of South Park. The kids happily head back to school but nothing resembles the normal that they once knew; not their teachers, not their homeroom, not even Eric Cartman."

"The Pandemic Special" will be available a day later on HBO Max. This will also be the case for Season 24, but a premiere date for the new season has not been announced.

HBO Max is said to have paid more than $500 million to get South Park on the streaming service. The show has been renewed through Season 26, so you can expect a lot more South Park in the future.

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