Spelunky 2 Development Is "Going Well," Check Out These New Screenshots
A blog post by the lead developer details some changes from the original Spelunky, but there's no release date yet.
If you're one of the many people awaiting the adventurous roguelike Spelunky 2, there's some good news for you: lead developer Derek Yu has published a blog post that discusses some of the game's major changes over the original. It does not, however, reveal the game's release date.
The post details how the team has overhauled the game's visual style since its reveal trailer, making visual effects more vibrant though still easy-to-parse during chaotic gameplay. Yu also notes that the game will feature even more unique items that have many uses, though not all of them will be obvious--such as the eggplant that one-shots a boss in the original game. The game will feature more non-player characters, and the post cites the shotgun-wielding shopkeeper as a guiding principle for these new cast members. Much like its predecessor, Spelunky 2 will also feature a Deathmatch mode, though it's unclear what exactly that will look like.
The original Spelunky emerged from its obscure indie roots to become one of the most celebrated games of its era in its HD incarnation, with some even hailing it as the game of the decade. In our review, Tom McShea said that Spelunky "makes excellent use of its random nature to keep you hooked as you strive to dive ever deeper into the mysterious depths."
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