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Spend $1000 On Diamonds, Get A Free Xbox One S

Xbox and diamonds, together at last.


Microsoft has partnered jewellery company Helzberg Diamonds for a pretty bizarre promotion. Everyone who spends $1000 or more at Helzberg's physical and online stores will get a free Xbox One S Starter Bundle.

This bundle includes a 500 GB Xbox One S and three-month memberships for Xbox Live Gold and Xbox Game Pass. The Microsoft/Helzberg promotion, which was announced on the Xbox Wire, starts November 22 and runs through December 24.

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Now Playing: Xbox One X Video Review

Additionally, now through December 17, Helzberg shoppers can enter for a chance to win one of 100 Xbox One X systems in-store or through this sweepstakes page.

Earlier this year, Microsoft partnered with Taco Bell to give customers a chance to win an Xbox One X. The $500 US system finally launched on November 7--you can read our review here. Alternatively, you can check out our video review embedded above.

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