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Spider-Man 2 Prequel Comic Coming For Free Comic Book Day

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered will also be available as a standalone product.


Ahead of the release of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 later this year, a new prequel comic is coming on Free Comic Book Day, May 6.

This prequel comic focuses on Peter Parker, Miles Morales, and MJ Watson, covering the events after Marvel's Spider-Man and Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, leading up to the forthcoming sequel.

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An excerpt from the PlayStation Blog post reads:

"In this story, their lives collide as Peter, Miles, and MJ attempt to balance their responsibilities to the city, and each other. They keep coming back to one of the main themes of the comic: is magic real? Because in this action-packed issue, a beloved Super Villain makes their first appearance in our universe and appears to have supernatural abilities that defy mere webs and fists: none other than The Hood!"

Fans will be able to visit participating comic shops on Free Comic Book Day to grab a copy (or download it digitally from the Marvel Unlimited app).

Alongside this news, Sony announced that Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered will finally be available for standalone purchase from the PlayStation Store in May. Previously, this PS5 remaster of the 2018 game was only available to those who purchased the Marvel’s Spider-Man: Miles Morales Ultimate Edition on PS5.

The company didn't announce the exact release date for the standalone version of Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, but did confirm that players who own the PS4 version (physically or digitally) can upgrade to the PS5 edition for $10. Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered will cost $50.

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