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Spider-Man 2 PS5 Release Date News Coming Soon

It won't be much longer until Sony announces the release date.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 for PS5 was shown off during the PlayStation Showcase event this week, but fans are still waiting for a release date. Developer Insomniac Games said on Twitter that the game's release date, preorder info, and accessibility features will be revealed soon.

"We know you have tons of questions about Marvel's Spider-Man 2 and we're eager to share more soon, including news about the release date, pre-orders, and accessibility features," the developer said.

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Now Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - Introducing Kraven the Hunter | PS5 Games

Officially, Spider-Man 2 is set for release this fall on PS5. It's rumored to launch in September, but that is not confirmed.

An extended gameplay video for Spider-Man 2 was featured during the May 24 PlayStation Showcase event, and it was pretty impressive, showing off Kraven the Hunter and symbiote Spider-Man. Following the game's appearance at PlayStation Showcase, Insomniac also confirmed that Spider-Man 2 is a single-player game, not co-op.

For lots more, check out GameSpot's breakdown of everything we know about Spider-Man 2. The game is leaving PS4 behind and will be exclusive to PS5.

Insomniac is also working on a Wolverine video game, but that title is further out.

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