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Split Fiction - How To Get Through The Underlands Piranha-Infested Water

During Split Fiction's Underlands level, you'll need to navigate dangerous waters, here's how.


Split Fiction's Underlands are stunningly beautiful, but some areas are deceptively dangerous. Throughout the level you'll be faced with the challenge of piranha-infested water, and some of these aren't as easy to cross as they first seem.

The girls can shapeshift throughout this level. While Mio is safe in her "otter" form--which, if you ask us, looks much more like a lizard, Zoe isn't as lucky. If Zoe enters the water as a human, fairy, or tree, she will quickly become piranha food.

Wall running can save Zoe from piranhas.
Wall running can save Zoe from piranhas.

Some of the safe methods forward aren't very obvious. During the first area of piranha waters there is a short platforming section until you end up stranded on a patch of grass. While Mio can swim through the water, she soon faces a roadblock where Zoe needs to give her some help to life a barrier. At this point, Zoe should wall run on the left-hand wall. Don't worry, we forgot wall running was a thing too.

If you're struggling to make the distance, try angling Zoe towards the middle of the wall, jump dashing to get as far along as possible, and then wall running before jump dashing to the next platform. From here, Zoe should shapeshift into the tree and use the areas on the wall to grapple from point to point until the next safe platform.

Use Zoe's tree form to grapple across water.
Use Zoe's tree form to grapple across water.

After landing there, you'll see a large rock blocks the way. As the tree, Zoe can lift the rock to allow Mio to get through. Here, Mio should shift into the gorilla form to break the log. When she is in a safe space, Zoe should let go of the giant rock which will fly forward and break through the barrier.

After a short cutscene, the two need to forge forward once more. Complete the platforming section until you find yourself looking over a large ledge to a round pool of water. Zoe can turn into a fairy and fly across the water to the flower stream which will carry her across the water to safety. As her gorilla form, Mio should use the pink leaves to swing across to the water and then quickly shift into her otter form as she drops to the water. Here, she can safely swim through a gap in the rocks underwater.

Some sections require quick shapeshifting
Some sections require quick shapeshifting

The next piranha waters are shortly afterwards. Zoe will need to use the grapples on the left wall before quickly shifting into her fairy form to fly towards the flower streams that will carry her to safety. Mio can use the same grapples before turning into her otter form in midair and swimming to the next section.

After yet more platforming and a puzzle sequence, Zoe and Mio find more piranha-infested waters. Here, Mio will need to transport a large plant stalk that Zoe is clinging to in order to save her from the waters, as well as some new contenders: flesh-eating flowers. To begin, Zoe just needs to slide up and down the stalk to remain out of the flowers' reach.

Another important wall running section
Another important wall running section

When they reach the platform, Zoe needs to go on to it and turn into her tree form. By grappling the flower bud on the wall, she can make the flowers on the wall retract, meaning that Mio is free to transport the stalk through to the next section, and Zoe can transform into her fairy form to quickly fly through and rejoin the stalk.

Not all stalks will float for long
Not all stalks will float for long

In the next area, Mio needs to drag the stalk close to the flowers on the right so that Zoe can grapple across them and attach to the second stalk that's already waiting there. This pole will quickly begin to sink in the water, so Mio needs to swim around and bring the first stalk with her for Zoe to attach to.

That's all of the piranha water sections in the Underlands and how to safely navigate them. Along the path forward on the right you'll find the next Split Fiction side story, so be sure to complete that before moving on. We've also got a helpful guide on how to survive the Split Fiction sandfish.

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