Star Citizen Creator Answers Fan Questions
You won't be farming space cows any time soon.
Fans of Star Citizen got the opportunity to ask Cloud Imperium Games chairman Chris Roberts questions about the massive multiplayer space sim. In the latest episode of the recurrent series, 10 for the Chariman, questions covered how the team will handle patches, in-game farming, and what features are in the works.
One fan asked what Cloud Imperium's plans were to make futures patches smaller and more efficient (via INN). Roberts said that work has begun on a new system that will download only the files you need. The current process downloads "an entire archive in one go," while the new system will only download things that have changed.
Roberts also talked about in-game farming and what players will be able have in their own personal farms.
"You can add bio-domes to the Endeavour to farm crops you may not normally be able to farm on planets, either due to low gravity or being a specific distance from the system's sun," he explained. "Livestock may be added in the long term but it will likely only be vegetation-based farming for the immediate future."
The chairman mentioned a few features that might be coming to Star Citizen in the future. He noted that ship-to-ship docking technology is on the list of things to come, while authentic space audio might come after other higher-priority goals are met.
In other Star Citizen news, its Alpha 2.2 is out now and you can see the patch notes here.
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