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Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Will Have New Lightsaber Stances And Tameable Mounts

You'll also get some help from a mercenary friend.


Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the sequel to Jedi: Fallen Order, will include mounts, a variety of lightsaber stances, and an occasional AI companion.

In an interview with Game Informer, game director Stig Asmussen and explained features of the upcoming Star Wars title. There are a total of five lightsaber stances, including a dual-blade stance and one where Cal wields both a lightsaber and a blaster. A new heavy and slow style uses the crossguard lightsaber, as introduced by Kylo Ren. These new stances will let you hit harder or from farther away, but whether you should use them depends on the enemies you will be facing. As Asmussen said in the interview, "it requires the player to break down the enemies and figure out what the best weapon of choice is."

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Survivor will also offer more options for travel, allowing for what Asmussen called "a wider Metroidvania approach." You can use an ascension cable to climb walls or cross gaps. You can also tame and ride mounts. According to Asmussen, players can use a variety of skills to hop across unthinkable barriers. Protagonist Cal Kestis will also gain some AI assistance in the form of mercenary Bode Akuna, who has a brotherly bond with the young Jedi. Akuna will help you in both combat and traversal.

The first gameplay trailer for Jedi: Survivor debuted at this year's The Game Awards and revealed a March 17, 2023 release date. The game is a new-gen only affair, releasing on PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X|S.

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