Street Fighter, Tekken Devs Strike Deal To Share Matchmaking Tech
Cross-licensing agreement promises to "improve the user experience."
Capcom and Bandai Namco have entered into a cross-licensing agreement "related to online matching in properties such as the Street Fighter series." Capcom says the goal is to improve the "user experience" for the player, and it specifically focuses on online matchmaking.
It's an issue both companies have struggled with. Street Fighter V players have been subjected to long waits in online multiplayer, among other issues, and the company has been working to improve gameplay since. Bandai Namco's latest instalment in the Tekken series, Tekken 7, also experienced some online gameplay issues at its release. Earlier this month, the company introduced a patch to improve matchmaking.
Capcom and Bandai Namco's deal will also "[accelerate] the production of titles and [reduce] development costs for both parties...Capcom aims to effectively utilize the patents it has been granted in game series such as Street Fighter in order to deliver even more exciting content to game players," the developer said.

Earlier this year, Bandai Namco stopped development on its game Tekken x Street Fighter, a joint project with Capcom. The game director, Katsuhiro Harada, said the developers didn't want to "split these communities," stating the game was now on hold. Tekken x Street Fighter was supposed to be a follow-up to Capcom's game Street Fighter x Tekken, which was released in 2012.
For the latest news and updates on Street Fighter V and Tekken 7, check out our full coverage right here on GameSpot.
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