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Sylvester Stallone Gets Ready For Action In New Rambo 5 Video

Last Blood on set.


Sylvester Stallone has already said goodbye to one of his most iconic characters, when Rocky Balboa made his last appearance in Creed II. He's now set to do the same with his other great action hero--John Rambo. Rambo V: Last Blood is the fifth movie in the long-running action series and it hit theaters in September. A new behind-the-scenes video has been released.

The video was posted on Instagram by Stallone himself. It's a collection of on-set moments, all with Stallone in character. We see him sharpening knives, shooting, driving, and firing arrows--presumably all in preparation for a violent showdown with some very bad men. Check it out below.

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A handmade film like the 1st one ... BLOOD SWEAT TEARS And working with fantastic actors! Sept 20 #rambo5

A post shared by Sly Stallone (@officialslystallone) on

Although we haven't seen any footage from the movie yet, we do know something about the plot. The movie is set in Mexico, and features Spanish star Paz Vega (Spanglish, The OA) as a reporter who teams up with Rambo to rescue her sister from a drug cartel. It hits theaters on September 20.

Last Blood is directed by Adrian Grunberg, who previously made the Mel Gibson thriller Get the Gringo. It follows 2008's Rambo, which Stallone directed and made $113 million worldwide. The series kicked off in 1982 with First Blood and was followed by two sequels in 1985 and 1988.

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