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Tetsuya Nomura wants to add Star Wars characters in Kingdom Hearts III

Game director says that there will be a lot of restrictions to go through with Disney to make this addition possible.


Square Enix game director Tetsuya Nomura said that he would like to add Star Wars characters and settings to the upcoming action-RPG Kingdom Hearts III.

If Square Enix plays their cards right, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo may be new additions as new Kingdom Hearts NPCs.
If Square Enix plays their cards right, Luke Skywalker and Han Solo may be new additions as new Kingdom Hearts NPCs.

According to fansite Finaland, during an interview held at the Japan Expo event last week, Nomura said that the company had been talking about including the famous franchise since it came under Disney's ownership due to the Lucasfilm buyout earlier this year.

He said: "When I heard the news, I was like "Wow! Wow!" Yeah, obviously it's going to be great if we could add it [in Kingdom Hearts III], but there are a lot of restrictions and rules by Disney. So we don't know what's going to happen, but yeah, we'll see."

Kingdom Hearts III was announced during Sony's E3 2013 press conference. The game is slated to be out for both the PS4 and Xbox One. There is no release window or date announced at this point in time.

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