The Black Mirror ships
Czech-produced title joins wave of pre-Halloween horror titles.
After haunting PCs in the Czech Republic earlier this year, The Black Mirror is now creeping its way into the North American market. The third-person adventure, called Posel Smrti (Death's Messenger) back down Prague way, shipped today, joining the growing wave of horror-themed PC titles--including Nosferatu: The Wrath of Malachi--spooking gamers this Halloween season.
Developed by Future Games and published by The Adventure Company (Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon), The Black Mirror profiles Samuel Gordon, a 19th-century Englishman who must return to his spooking home when his estranged father dies. When he learns that foul play was involved (natch), Samuel must track down clues and solve puzzles to finger his father's killer.
The Black Mirror has an MSRP of $29.99 and an ESRB rating of "M" for Mature.
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