The Division Movie Stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Jessica Chastain
End of Watch and The Martian actors will also be involved in The Division adaptation's production.
Ubisoft Motion Pictures has officially announced the movie adaptation of its third-person shooter, The Division. Jessica Chastain (The Martian, Interstellar) is attached to the project, and earlier rumors that Jake Gyllenhaal (End of Watch, Nightcrawler) was involved have also been confirmed.
"We are excited to collaborate with Jessica and Jake, two of Hollywood's most talented actors and perfect creative collaborators to help bring Tom Clancy's The Division to the big screen," said Gerard Guillemot, chief executive of Ubisoft Motion Pictures.
"Attaching Jake and Jessica is part of our development philosophy of working closely with top talent from the earliest stages to collaborate on a high quality film," added vice president Matt Phelps.
Gyllenhaal and Riva Marker's Nine Stories will be involved with development of the adaptation, as will Chastain's Freckle Films.

The Division has been one of Ubisoft's most successful video game launches. The publisher previously announced the game generated more than $330 million worldwide in its first five days on sale, becoming its fastest-selling game ever.
Ubisoft's movie division is also working on movies based on its Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell, Watch Dogs, and Far Cry properties. It has said it hopes to change the reputation of video game adaptations, and is retaining creative control over the movies to do this.
"The best way to [make sure a video game movie doesn't fall flat] is to make sure you control what is important in movie creation," Ubisoft chief executive Yves Guillemot previously said.
"It's the scenario and the cast and the director. And if you are capable of negotiating with those guys in the movie production studios, making sure they are on the same page as you, that they understand the IP--what is strong, what makes it interesting for the gamers--then you can create something that will match people's expectations."
Its first major motion picture adaptation is Assassin's Creed, which opens on December 21, a week after Star Wars spinoff Rogue One comes out. Film company Fox reportedly has plans for two Assassin's Creed movie sequels.
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