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The Game Awards Announces Collaboration With Discord, Including New Award

You can now join an official The Game Awards Discord Server and vote on Best Community Support.


The Game Awards has launched its own Discord server and announced multi-faceted partnership with the social media company leading up to the award ceremony on December 8.

In the official TGA Discord server, you can vote for nominees and watch the show live together. You can join via a link that the official TGA account posted on Twitter. In broader partnerships with Discord, TGA will introduce AMA stage events with special guests. This year's ceremony will also debut the Best Community Support Award in collaboration with Discord. The award will recognize the community managers and other staff that make the communities in and around video games possible. Whether this award will see actual screen time, or be shifted off in favor of yet another ad, remains to be seen.

In other TGA news, the nominees for this year's awards will be announced on Monday, November 14 at 9 PT / 12 ET in a separate streaming event. After the nominees are announced, fan voting will commence. The upcoming show will also introduce the Best Adaptation award for recognizing "authentic" adaptations of video games into film, televisions, comics, and other media. For the first time since before the COVID-19 pandemic, the event will be available to an in-person audience via ticket sales.

Grace Benfell on Google+

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