The Power Went Out At CES, Leading To This Blackout In A Room Full Of High-Tech Gadgets
Despite being a convention dedicated to incredible (and sometimes very bizarre) upcoming technology, the Consumer Electronics Show is subject to power loss like anything else. While atypical for a major event like this, CES 2018 has been hit with a power outage today. [Update: Power has now returned at CES.]
The Las Vegas Convention Center, where CES is taking place, is currently experiencing what event organizers are calling an "isolated power outage." Parts of South and Central Halls, where numerous exhibitors are set up to showcase their products, have been thrown into darkness. As a result, there are suddenly massive rooms filled with high-tech gadgets that are without power. While this is unlikely to have any effect on you, aside from perhaps a delay in some news from the event making it out, it has led to strange scenes like the one below, which are a sight to behold.
Introducing Blackoutâ„¢: The biggest thing to hit #CES2018 since #5G. #CESblackout
— Intel (@intel) January 10, 2018
Although South and North Hall appear to have power, there have been reports that the power outages briefly extended to other areas in Vegas, including nearby hotels. CNET editor Dan Ackerman noted on Twitter that his off-site hotel partially lost power two separate times for less than a minute. At the Convention Center, some people are reportedly unable to retrieve their phones from charging towers where you lock your device in.
Event organizers say the situation is being worked on, but there's no official word on when power will return. CES runs through January 12 and has already seen a number of announcements, including news on the Vive Pro, a wireless Vive adapter, Intel and AMD's collaboration, a prototype from Razer than turns the Razer Phone into a laptop, and Nvidia's new BFG displays. For even more, have a look at the coolest gaming tech at CES 2018.
BREAKING: Power goes out at CES, the largest consumer electronics show in the world.
— CNBC Now (@CNBCnow) January 10, 2018
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