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The Spot 080101


Howdy partners, step right up for another edition of The Spot. You ask questions, and we do our best not to screw up answering them. Got something that's burning a hole in your cranium? We're your cerebral pressure relief specialists. So give some, and then come get some! Did I mention it's Wednesday?


Import Reviews

I am a big Final Fantasy fan, and I would like to know if you are going to post an import review of FFX. If not, maybe you could post some Japanese magazine reviews. And what do you think of FFX? Do you think it's as good as FF7 (which is my favorite)? Oh, and do you know if there is going to be another Chrono Cross game.


No, we will not post an import review of Final Fantasy X. We used to post import reviews, but we stopped because some games have a tendency to lose or gain something in the translation, and it can sometimes confuse our readers. We will not post review scores from Japanese magazines for the same reason. From what I've been told by our lone FF fan in the office, Dave Toole, its battle system is an improvement over past installments in the franchise, but he's holding out for the story to pass final judgement. Another Chrono game is already in the works, but details are scarce at this point.

Lip Dubbing

I am just writing to express a concern of mine involving both Metal Gear Solid 2 and Final Fantasy X: It's the voice acting. Now that the technology allows it, the characters' lips will move in sync with their voices (MGS featured plenty of speech, but the characters' mouths did not move at all due to the PlayStation's limitations). Of course, both games' voice acting will be in Japanese originally, and that's where the problem arises. I am worried that a bad English dub will be produced for both games, but it is not only the quality of the voice acting that I am worried about, there is also the matter of the lips not being in sync with the English voices (as is always the case in any dub). As a huge anime fan, I can tell you from experience that the Japanese voice actors are always better due to the fact that, like video games, anime is taken much more seriously in Japan, resulting in a more professional and higher quality production.

So here's my question: Will Square or Konami allow us American gamers to listen to the original Japanese audio track with subtitles? Have they even mentioned anything about it? A bad English dub could really hurt the incredible experience that I'm sure both of these games will provide, and I don't want to be stuck listening to it when I know that the Japanese voice acting is much better. Of course, I could be wrong; the companies may just produce an excellent dub with dead-on lip sync to match. Even so, I still would like the option to listen to the original audio track. However, I do realize that including two separate audio tracks for the voices does take up memory, which just may not be available. In that case, the inclusion of the Japanese track seems much more viable for Metal Gear Solid 2, which will no doubt be much shorter than FFX. What are your thoughts on the matter?


By the way, keep up the great work on the site!


While I don't have a definitive answer in either case, it's much more likely that MGS 2 will include the option for Japanese dialogue because of its relatively shorter length. It's also more likely that MGS 2 will have mouths lip-synched to the English dialogue, considering it's being released here first. FFX is huge, and Square has yet to state whether the facial animations will be redone for its North American release. Considering that Square is taking at least an extra five months to produce it, the odds are pretty good.

Brave Fencer Sequel

Hey what's up? I was wondering if there has ever been any talk about a sequel to Brave Fencer Musashi? This has to be one of my favorite games. I know it probably didn't sell a whole lot, but the value is extraordinary! Thanks, and keep up the good work.

-Thomas Oldham

Nope. There has never been a sequel either released or announced. Square has a tendency to quickly drop franchises that sell poorly. Vagrant Story and Ehrgeiz are excellent examples.

Mishap in the Squared Circle

Just to let ya know...ECW wrestlers are now playing just as big of a part on WWF television as the WCW guys. If WCW will be in a WWF game, then ECW probably will too. Keep up the good work!


Wow. I didn't realize that the utraviolent little wrestling league from Philly could have finally made the big-time. Thanks for the heads-up. The last wrestler I can remember cheering on is The Junkyard Dog. Thump!

Mario RPG for the GBA?

Is there any chance that Nintendo will release Mario RPG for the Game Boy Advance in the near future?

-Matt Coleman

Yes, there's a good chance. Considering how many SNES remakes have already been announced, Mario RPG for the GBA wouldn't surprise me one bit.

Where is Sin and Punishment?

Is there any chance that we'll see Sin and Punishment released stateside, preferably before the GameCube comes out? I haven't heard anything about this game in a while, and if anyone knows, I'm sure it's you. Thanks.

-Pablo F.

The chances are slimming by the minute. It was not shown at E3 though it did appear in Nintendo's promotional materials. It's a really cool game, but it's so short that I do not recommend importing it, unless you have cash to burn or you can find it for $25 or less.


When will you guys get DBZ screenshots and more info on the upcoming game for [the] Game Boy Advance, and are there any upcoming RPGs your crew is looking forward to? And what's up with the rumor of a new Chrono game?

-Gary Colemen

I don't quite understand the fascination with Dragonball Z, but I guess it takes diff'rent strokes to move the world. Still no word on either the PS2 or GBA versions of your favorite posturing anime heroes. There really aren't many RPGs we're looking forward to because most of us aren't fans of the genre, but Gerald is getting pumped for PSO Version 2. See above for information on the next Chrono game.

PS2 = Dreamcast?

Wassup? I bought a Dreamcast (great system) last year only to have it discontinued under my nose. With that in mind, I decided to buy a PS2. Since I had a PlayStation before, I went with the familiar. I at least know that the PS2 won't be all of a sudden shut down like the Dreamcast was. Now that the Xbox and GameCube are coming out, I'm sticking to the PS2, but will the capabilities be so far advanced for these other systems that the PS2 will be trampled? (I'm no good with specs). Also, is it at all possible that DOA 3 will be released on the PS2?



The PlayStation 2 should live a long and illustrious life regardless of its competition. Even with its current installed base it's already a viable platform, and I'm pretty confident that even more PS2s will be sold before all is said and done. I also think that it's highly likely that DOA 3 will be released for both the GameCube and PS2 after a brief stint of exclusivity on the Xbox. And before you all fire up your e-mail programs, yes I know that Tecmo stated that it could only be pulled off on the Xbox.

Load Times with a Hard Drive

Is it true that the hard drive removes the loading times?


No, it's not true. A hard drive can improve loading times, but it will never remove them. PC games have load times, and the last time I checked PCs still had hard drives.

Disc Damage

Hello. I just read in your most recent edition of The Spot that the PS2 would "burn a hole" in the PS2 CDs. I have always had my PS2 standing and have never had a problem, but reading this has me worried. The only reason it's standing is to save space, but if it needs to be horizontal I will d*** sure make it happen. Any more info on the subject would be very helpful. Thanks and keep up the great work.

-Brandon McDonald

I guess I should have clarified this last time so I apologize for getting you and anyone else all riled up. It won't actually burn a hole in the disc. Instead it carves a ring around the outside of the disc about a half-inch in, which will make the game unable to boot. We still have a ruined import copy of Ridge Racer V to prove it.

Let Me Rock you Chakan!

Hey guys,

A few years ago I read in a magazine that a new Chakan game for the Dreamcast was in development. What has happened to it? And if it's still coming, for what system and when?

-Fernando Gonzalez

It was canned. Dropped. Given the ax. Terminated. We haven't heard if it will be ported to another console, but it's doubtful considering its meager following. No offense.

Dubya Dubya Eff

I'm a huge fan of WWF games, and I was wondering when GameSpot or anybody else will get some new information about it. Also do think Grand Theft Auto 3 will be a big hit for the PS2?

Thanks for your time.


I'm not sure if you're talking about Raw is War for the Xbox, Smackdown! for the PS2, or Wrestlemania for the GameCube. We just put up new movies of both Smackdown! and Raw is War, and we haven't heard a thing about Wrestlemania. GTA 3 should do fine when it's released. The other games in the series did all right despite their ancient graphics.

Barney's Purse

Do you think that, like most Nintendo consoles, the GameCube is a console that is mostly based on the 13 and under market? If this is so, could this be the reason that the GameCube does a better job in the holiday season compared to the Xbox. I know for sure that there's a lot of rich parents spoiling their kids this Christmas, and a whole lot more poor college kids who are saving up for the Xbox. (I'm one of them!!).


-John Scaffidi

From the content of your letter I never would have guessed that you're an Xbox supporter. You really surprised me at the end there. I dunno. I'm 29 and I can't wait for the GameCube, if that tells you anything. And how did the GameCube do better over the holiday season when neither console has been released yet?

Confused by Console Bashing

I noticed that this term is used a lot, though if it's a true thing to say or not, I dunno. My thing is, I've noticed on all your message boards (under most news things there is a Talkback message board) that people argue like which console is gonna "win" the war. Here's the question: Do you think these people are...well, stupid in turning this "console war" into a huge argument on which system will do better? They argue and argue over their favorite system that will come out or is already out, and the Xbox and GC aren't even out yet. I'm gonna end up with at least an Xbox for Xmas (Hey, there's something for Microsoft to promote). I just don't see why everyone argues.

-M. Lewis

I don't see why, either. If you like your console, fine. Just don't terrorize other people because they don't share the same tastes as you. If you haven't noticed by now, readers will now have to register in order to post Talkback comments. This is the result of the abuse of the feature. Now if people get unruly, we can track 'em down and tell them to cool their boots. Hopefully this will restore some sort of intelligence to Talkback posts.

Gundam on the Xbox

Since Bandai signed on for the Xbox, will there be a Gundam game on the Xbox? What are the chances?


Considering Bandai has just two major properties (Gundam and Digimon), I'd say the chances are very good.

More MGS 2 Speculation

In the Monday edition of The Spot, an anonymous reader speculated that you are playing as a clone of Solid Snake because in the trailer, someone said, "Solid Snake died...etc." The reason he's saying this is because (you would know this if you finished MGS1 and watched the ending) in the ending of that game Col. Campbell informed Snake and Otacon/Meryl, depending on the ending, "You two officially died after your jeep fell into the ocean." And I have also reached this conclusion because Hideo Kojima said that this game was about the digitalization of the world, in the same way that the first one was about nukes. I just hope the game doesn't ram it down our throats like last time. Well, keep up the good work because your site is great.


That's an interesting observation, but I'm not sure I understand how it's supposed to tie in with digitization. I also hope that the message contained in MGS 2 is handled with a bit more subtlety than last time. The getting whacked over the head with antiwar themes in MGS was enough to make me gag at times.

A Perfect Zero

Is there anything at all you can tell us about the next Perfect Dark? Levels, weapons, bots, online multiplayer? I don't know if I can last another year and a half without this game!

-Doug "6 times"

We've got zilch on Perfect Dark Zero for the GameCube. Hopefully it won't take Rare three years to get this one out. A game can only be shown at E3 so many times before it starts to become ridiculous.

Virtua Sequel

What's the current status of Virtual Tennis 2? Is it still coming out and for what system?


It's on the way to the Dreamcast as we speak, but its name will be changed to Tennis 2K2. New features include a create-a-player mode and mixed doubles matches. The Williams sisters will also be included this year, unless their father pulls them out at the last minute. The only downside is that there will be no online play. Bummer.

Keyboard Confusion

Hi and kudos on a comprehensive site.

Anyway...I read The Spot for the first time today, and I came across the letter that you replied to saying that the Xbox was not going to support Web browsers nor would it support keyboard and mouse peripherals. Far be it from me to criticize, but I am adamant that Microsoft mentioned at E3 that the Xbox would be packing in with a keyboard and mouse for $299 US.

Have I got my wires crossed? I have yet to come across a console FPS that has replicated the precise control that a keyboard and mouse offer. I'm not interested in the browsing aspects of console--like you said, we have PCs. I just think that a keyboard and mouse would allow the PC developers to port over some of the great PC games that require a mouse and keyboard--i.e. RTS, FPS etc.

-Jonathan Kerr

Yeah, your wires are fairly tangled. Not only is Microsoft not packing them in with the system, it claims it will never release an Xbox keyboard or mouse. I agree that the PC configuration is great for real-time strategy games and first-person shooters, but Microsoft wants people to consider the Xbox a video game console and not a souped-up PC.

Are You Hard-Core?


Great job with the site! I was wondering if FFX will allow you to change your names like all of the Final Fantasy games do? While that alone won't change my mind on buying it, I have always felt that the name-changing aspect of RPGs is one of the coolest parts. I used to put my girlfriend's names in the lead female role and mine in the lead male role. My friends make cameos as well. FF2 was one I will always remember because my friends fell right in the role they probably would have been in. Chrono Trigger was good for that too! It is like you and your friends go on a grand quest together (and it helps my wife get into the game more too!). Well, thanks for listening, but I was a little concerned because FFX has a great deal of voice acting. Skies of Arcadia would have been four times better to me if you could change names in it. (It is still like my fourth favorite RPG of all time) Thank you!


Yes, you will be able to rename characters in Final Fantasy X. But according to Dave Toole, our senior producer at GameSpot Live!, you're not hard-core if you change the names of characters in any game.

Speak the gospel!

Dear GameSpot writers,

It has been a couple of months since I have found your Web site, and I am just as pleased now as I was when I first stumbled onto it. It is by far the most intelligent and well-thought-out site of its kind. Thank you. My question pertains to PS2 software. It has been a year now, and it seems to me that it still does not have a game that is so awe-inspiring and jaw-dropping that it could justify the number of units that Sony has sold. I understand that there are supposedly "fantastic" games on the horizon (Devil May Cry, Final Fantasy X, and MGS 2: Sons of Liberty), but every system's marketing groups will say great games are coming in the future, as well as people who had bought a system, who no matter what, will roll themselves up in the blanket of denial, regardless of how bad the software is. In addition, those games aren't here yet. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my PS2. The games are good, but not great. I don't think that any of us spent all that money for mediocrity, though. Quake 3 should not play better on my Dreamcast than on my PS2. With all the PS2 "power" the port of Rune should have been perfect. Is it just me, or do people seem more into defending whatever system they bought, as opposed to being concerned about the quality of the games? Why is the gaming platform that they have attached themselves to become a way of defining themselves?

I miss the days when I was young and no matter what system I had or my friends had, we didn't care, we just wanted to play good games. The only reason that I want Xbox to "slap" Sony around a lot is so that ultimately Sony will put out better games. In conclusion, people, regardless of how much they love their system, need to come together and demand better software. Pressure needs to be placed on the gaming system companies, not only because of the ridiculous amounts of money consumers spend, but because the gaming community deserves the best.

Thank you for listening to this rant.


And with that, yet another episode of your happy little space known as The Spot has drawn to a close. Have you seen the new Rogue Leader screenshots yet? Do yourself a favor and click here to see the prettiest screenshot from a video game ever. And keep those letters coming!

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